Atanacković Slobodan
Address: Bulevar Despota Stefana 68/b, 11000 Belgrade
Slobodan Atanackovic was born on September 23, 1937 in Idvor (Banat, Vojvodina). He received his musical education in Belgrade, studying composition at the Belgrade Academy of Music with professors Milenko Zivkovic and Enriko Josif, which he finished in 1965.
Starting with year 1970, he became Music Director of the First Program of Radio Belgrade and soon advanced to become General Director of the all music program’s. During two four-year terms, he was Director of the Music Production of Radio Television Serbia.
Atanackovic received numerous awards and recognitions for his works. His musical illustrations won awards at the competitions organized by Yugoslav Radio-Television and his composition at the competitions organized by the Society of Composers of Serbia, where he won over twenty awards in the categories of solo, chamber, symphonic and vocal-symphonic music.
He was a head of the Composition Department (2005-2009) and a professor of Orchestration, Arrangement and “Osmoglasnik” (2000-2009) at the Banja Luka Academy of Music.
The most important awards are the Belgrade October Prize (Oktobarska Nagrada Beograda ) in 1981, which he received for his oratorio “Akatist” and the two awards at the International Meeting of Composers in Paris, organized by UNESCO, in which participated over fifty countries. Two compositions of Slobodan Atanackovic: “Two frescoes” and “Simphonia Eterofonica” were included among the best ten works in the world for that year.
He published numerous musical reviews and articles about composers and compositions from various artistic periods as well as musicological-historic studies: ”Three centuries of violin music”, “Following the roads of symphonies” , “Development of chamber music”, “Modern Yugoslav Composition”, “Jutrenje” – a historical record of paths of our spiritual culture.
Numerous works of Slobodan Atanackovic were performed outside Serbia and some became part of the classic world-wide repertoire.
All works of Slobodan Atanackovic are recorded on various media and are available to all radio stations in Serbia and, thanks to European Broadcasting Union and International Composers Guild , to all performers in the world.
Musical interests of Slobodan Atanackovic include various categories, from chamber music, instrumental to vocal-instrumental forms. In the last decade of the 20 century, Atanackovic is composing spiritual music in the tradition of Serbian “Osmoglasnik”. His opus includes music for children, theater and applied music.
WORKS (selection):
Stameno, kremeno, kameno, collection of songs for bass voice and piano (1963)
Uspavanke bola, collection of songs for bass voice and orchestra (1969)
Figuracioni innocenti su una musica appassionata, for piano trio (1975)
String quartet, “Fatalite” (1964)
Variationi seriosi su un Thema imperituro, for chamber orchestra (1962)
Basso e contra – concerto da camera, for double bass and twelve string players (1976)
Rhapsody, based on the themes from ethnomusicological notebook of Vlada Milošević (2000)
Pomana, for tape-recorder, flute ensemble and double bass (1980)
Sinfonia da festa, in modo eterofonico, for symphonic orchestra (1974)
Ad vivum, two frescoes for symphonic orchestra (1975)
Canto eroico, oratorio for choir and symphonic orchestra (1965)
Poema eterico, pastoral cantata for female choir and orchestra (1973)
Dies Gloriae, oratorio based on the text by Dušan Matić (1975)
Akatist, oratorio based on the text by Dušan Matić (1977)
Trešnjeva frula, oratorio for narrator, children choir, mixed choir, solo soprano and orchestra (1984)
Consecutio temporum, oratorio for soloists, children choir, mixed choir and orchestra (1986)
Simfonia eterofonica, for groups of ethnic folk singers and players, string quartet, rock ensemble, tape-recorder, soloists, choir and symphonic orchestra (1986)
Polijelej, Dedicated to the Knight of Death, for the group of ethnic folk singers and symphonic orchestra (1990)
Suguba jektenija, for soloists, choir and symphonic orchestra (1990)
Pojanje Gospodnje i Dveri nebesne – in the tradition of serbian “Osmoglasnik”