datum slika July 2, 2014

Composers’ Association of Serbia
24th International Review of Composers
Music box

Belgrade 7th – 11th November 2015

Call for works

Compositions inspired by the Music box – its specific kind of sound, repetitiveness, slowing down, mechanism etc which deal primarily with sound as distinctive musical material Read more →

Agreement of Collaboration

datum slika November 9, 2011

In October 2010 the agreement of collaboration was signed between the composers’ associations of Macedonia (SAKOM), represented by Jana Andreevska, artistic director for international activities, Slovenia (DSS), represented by Dušan Bavdek, artistic director for international activities, and Serbia (UKS), represented by Ivana Trišić, the president. The agreement was not official. It was cordial, friendly and efficient. The first project of the collaboration was the exchange of chamber ensembles Read more →