Mihajlović Milan
Mihajlović graduated in composition and conducting in Belgrade, received MA in composition, and attended courses in Cologne and Salzburg. He worked (since 1975) at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, where he passed all teaching positions, from assistant to full time professor. He retired (2010) as full time professor of composition in Belgrade and Novi Sad.
He is one of the founders of the Ensemble for Contemporary Music, and since 1992 one of the founders of International Review of Composers (Festival of Contemporary Music), which he headed as director until 2002. He was the president of Serbian Composers Association (1978 – 2002), the Head of Music theory Department at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, and from 2002 to 2009 he was the Dean of the Faculty.
Numerous awards for his work include: “Stevan Hristić” Prize (1970), Belgrade Music Festival (BEMUS) Prize (1972), October Award of the City of Belgrade (1984), First Prizes at the International Review of composers (1992 and 1996), Stevan Mokranjac Prize (1994) and the City of Belgrade Award (2003). He has received national acknowledgments (2010)
His works are often performed both in his country and abroad, all over Europe, in USA and Australia in concert halls such as: Tonhalle in Zurich, Carnegie Hall in New York, Steinway Hall in London, Berlin Philharmonics Hall, Opera de Dijon Hall…
Milan Mihajlovic’s music at Kempten festiva (German)l 2014 – composer in residence (5 compositions: “Lamentoso”, “Notturni”, “Einekleine Trauermusik”, “Melancholy”, “Elegy”) – www.fuerstensaal-classix.de
Milan Mihajlovic’s music at Dijon (France) - composer in resdence – Opera de Dijon – festival 2016: 5 compositions: "Elegija", "Les Adieux", "Notturni", "Eine kleine Trauermusik", Melancholy".
YouTube: Serbian composers – Milan Mihajlovic
Editions: BRANDSTÄTTER – Yasna Musikferlag Köln