Demian Rudel Rey (1987, Argentina), composer and guitarist. Pursuing a Master of Composition at the CNSMDL (France) with Matalon and Hurel (composition), and Tadini (musical technologies). Courses and master classes with López López, Murail, Bedrossian, Dhomont, Vaggione, Chion, Levinas, Vande Gorne, Tutschku, etc. In Argentina, two Higher Diplomas in Guitar at the Astor Piazzolla Conservatory and EMBA, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Composition and a Master’s Degree in Combined Arts from the National University of Arts. Demian obtained more than 30 awards and mentions in national and interna-tional competitions. His pieces are published by BabelScores, Métamorphoses, Taukay Edizioni Musicali and CMMAS. His music was played by the ensemble Écoute, Emily Carr String Quartet, Alest, Atelier XX-21, Quartetto Mitja, EMC DAMus, Barcelona Modern, Interensemble, TROPI, Cuarteto Argentum, Gonza-lo Juan, Joan Martí-Frasquier, etc. Coordinator at the Bahía[in]sonora Festival. He received the Mozarteum Argentino “Gisela Timmermann”, Mécénat Société Générale scholarships and BECAR Argentinian Cultural Minis-try support.
Tajimamori [田道間守] (2017) for violin, cello and piano.
It is inspired by the legend of the Emperor Suinin narrated in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan). The story tells that the emperor entrusts a mission to Tajimamori which consisted in a journey towards the „Eternal Country of Life” in search of the „Tree of Eternal Fragance” to obtain immortality. The locartion of this place was unknown, reason why Ta-jimamori has numerous conflicts in his adventure. After ten years, he finds the tree, but upon returning the emperor was already deceased. The traveler gives half of the fruit of eternal life to the empress and the other was deposited in the tomb of Suinin. Finally, Tajimamori dies of sadness and agony.