Vladimir Tošić

Vladimir Tošić (1949) has developed a diverse career as a composer, multimedia artist, and full professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade (1987–2017).

His works are regularly performed on Serbian and foreign concert stages and in festivals of contemporary music throughout the world: in the United States, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, England, France etc.

Works by Vladimir Tošić have been released on multiple CDs in Serbia and the United States. Six of them are authors CDs: Melange (2000), Muzika za klavir (Piano Music, 2014), Muzika za male pijaniste (Music for Little Pianists, 2016), Trajanje (Duration, 2016), Dual (2017) and Retide (2020).

His piece Voxal won the first prize at Thomas Bloch Competition in Paris in 2000. Tošić also won third prize at the 2011 Gitarrentage für Kinder, a children’s guitar music competition held in Lebach, Germany. His triple album entitled Trajanje (Duration) won the 2017 Album of the Year award of the Muzika klasika magazine.

Tošić’s creative approach is based on a reductionist principle of music construc-tion. All of his pieces are processual, repetitive, and based on a rather restrictive number of different elements, sometimes even just one (colour, rhythm, harmony…).

His most important works include Varial, Dual, Trial, Voxal, Fisija (Fission), Fuzija (Fusion), Altus, and Medial, among others.

About the piece

Medial 12 was created in the spring of 2020, at the time of the global pandemic. It was written for five keyboards, and it was originally intended for the Ensemble for Other New Music. Due to the circumstances, the premiere of the composition will instead be at the Review in the version for string orchestra.

The work was created on the basis of freely treated median connections (hence its name), through a very free variation of the initial harmonic-melodic material. It is based on repetitive-procedural organization − like all my compositions to date − and its main feature is the pursuit of maximum communicativeness while retaining all the essential features of my style. The composition belongs to my third creative phase, which began in 2010.